For many in healthcare 2020 was a true test of their expertise and loyalty to their profession. Nurses have been on the frontlines in the battle against COVID-19 and even as we progress toward better therapeutics and promising vaccines, the effect of this the crisis will be long lasting on the minds of many nurses. In the early days of the pandemic, doctors, nurses and all healthcare professionals were named as heroes and were met at the end of each shift by fire engine sirens, thunderous applause, and cheers by thousands of people. As time wore on, however, the sirens and applause would die out and although recognition isn’t necessary to due their job, the documentary and awareness series will act as a reminder of why their efforts are so important.
Although the pandemic may act as the catalyst for the May 2021 nurses week the Faces of Nursing documentary and awareness campaign, it is a project that is well overdue considering the impact nurses have had in healthcare over the past 100 years in Houston and surrounding areas. The project highlights 100 years of professional, compassionate and often heroic service unique within the Gulf Coast Region and will be distributed in a primetime PBS special broadcast, within nursing clubs and association, as well as social media and YouTube daily Podcasts.
The FACES of NURSING presents its first project titled Nursing History–Houston, is produced by DIREC Educational Programming and partners with local nursing clubs, associations, and individuals willing to participate.

History of Nursing – Houston.
Research and the development of contributing history, photos, films, artifacts, are being gathered from local historic organizations, libraries, hospitals, institutions of learning, and and individuals. The initial development was provided by broadcast producer Jon Lindgren and Texas Nurses Association District 9 volunteers that identified eight areas of focus to help better define nursing's unique history throughout Houston and surrounding areas. This regional nursing history conveys nursing roles in community, education, research contributions, technology, diversity, disaster relief, military, politics, and The Texas Medical Center. For additional information visit facesofnursing.org.
This insightful project will include the most prominent hospitals and recognized healthcare leaders in the Houston area. By conveying the history and spirit of nursing the project broad reach to both the healthcare professional and the general audience, and will have a lasting impact for institutions of learning, clubs, and associations who can orientate new students and members now and for years to come.
The program content is divided into short and long-form segments for distribution. Shorter segments design for high frequency in social media outlets, act as the awareness campaign to the nursing profession and a secondary promotion for the broadcast. Although there are sponsored commercials to promote the broadcast these online social media segments by local nurses convey why they became a nurse in the first place and what keeps their passion alive is the heart of the message and will build trust and interest in the broadcast. The History of Nursing–Houston is a six part 30-minute documentary series will be broadcast nightly through nurses week to reach the greater general audience in Houston and countries throughout the Gulf Coast Region.
Sponsorship for Broadcast Episodes:
The two types of sponsorships are program development and airtime promotion. Each program in the series will be produced for an estimated $20,000 and sponsorship is divided into levels of Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Each episode has a common theme, yet will also have unique interviews and topics that might warrant a sponsor’s special interest. Funds provided for programming are for development, which includes research, script writing, field and post HD video production, professional narrative, licensed music, motion graphics, and 20% of the promotional ad placement of the broadcast feature. Below are a list of the sponsorship amounts and benefits.
Program Sponsorship Rates Per Episode
$5,000 Gold Sponsor
$2,500 Silver Sponsor
$1,250 Bronze Sponsor
Program Sponsorship Benefits:
All sponsors receive a traditional PBS recognition at the open and close of their sponsored episode. Gold Sponsors have a single full page recognition, Silver sponsors are four per page, and Bronze gathered on one page. Gold Sponsorships provides interview opportunities, including employees or leadership that best fit the episode’s topic and history focus.
Airtime Sponsorship Rates Per Episode
$10,000 Platinum Sponsor
$5,000 Diamond Sponsor
Airtime Sponsorship Benefits:
A Platinum sponsor has exclusivity promotion, while a Diamond sponsor will share with one other Diamond Sponsor in the promotion. The airtime sponsorship pays for 80% of the airtime cost to broadcast the episode and the total cost of pre-show promotion. Promotional ad placement will be distributed across a variety of social media platforms, websites, and publications. A detailed breakdown of ad placement will be provided upon request. Airtime Sponsors are recognized at the end of each commercial and prior to the program sponsor recognitions in the episode. The words in the episode are, “The follow program is provided by…” and provides an indenting sponsor phrase. A platinum sponsor who sponsors three or more episodes becomes a Title Sponsor and has additional programming and airtime benefits.
Sponsorship for Online Segments: Sponsorship for this campaign will pay for both the development and the ad placement of each segment. The minimum sponsorship groups five individual segments per sponsorship and focuses on three topics of discussion for 2021. Segments run in rotations online and communicate the need, passion, and history of nursing. As FaceBook, Twitter, and other social media has evolved into a constantly growing need for new content this project has the ability to meet that demand by producing a minimum of 50 segments to run throughout the month of April and May. Inspiring stories, wonderful passion, and unique local history will engage many healthcare professional as they watch their piers nurses in off-hour viewing and listen-in during their commute.
Program Sponsorship Rates Per Episode
$1,000 – provides five nurse segments
Placement in social media five times a day for one week
Timeline for Participation:
January 1 – March 31
Program R&D for all programs and segments
April 1 – May 12th
Run social media Faces of Nursing segment
April 6 – May 12
Run commercial promotion for History of Nursing–Houston Documentary Series
May 6 – May 12
Run the History of Nursing–Houston Documentary Series
April 1 – April 28
Continue Faces of Nursing segment development as sponsorship permits
April 1 – May 6
Continue History of Nursing–Houston segments as sponsorship permits